Family Life,  Van Travel

Jumping Off The Hamster Wheel Of “Life”

This was me in February of 2020…Moming three beautiful souls that challenged the heck out of me, Wifing to my best friend and soulmate, and Mindset Coaching with anyone I could be of any help to. I was living my best life, so I thought, running on the “success” hamster wheel of life, doing, doing, and doing some more. It couldn’t get much better than this, could it? 

Then out of nowhere here it came, March of 2020.

I went through it all with you, the fear of the unknown, the dividing of relationships, all of the financial uncertainty, the new role as teachers to our children who loved and respected this new role so very much (insert sarcasm), AND my favorite of all, the ultimate pause button of life. This pause cleared our activity calendar which meant family dinners, gardening, fires and s’mores, I was experiencing my children growing up, I was reading and coaching myself more, and most of all I became more aware of the hamster wheel I just jumped off and instantly knew I NEVER wanted back on.

One summer morning I was scrolling on Pinterest (dangerous, yes I know) and there it was…#vanlife! This wasn’t one of those 5-minute rabbit holes on Pinterest, it turned out to be months and months of pinning, watching documentaries, creating the bucket list of places to experience, and driving my husband nuts. I was obsessed, and for those who know me, when I set my mind on something I’m like that annoying 8-year-old who doesn’t stop until they get what they want.

It made perfect sense to me, the kids weren’t in school, no activities were happening, I could mom, wife, and coach on the road! The experiences we would have, the life we could create, I was determined to make this a reality even if it seemed like a crazy dream to everyone else!  

SPOILER ALERT…I am currently writing this blog while laying in the bed of our van, with the doors wide open listening to the waves crash on the shores of Myrtle Beach, drinking boxed Trader Joe’s wine out of my Yeti cup, my 3-year old and 11-year old cuddled up next to me, while my husband and 8-year old are fishing with headlamps on in the Atlantic Ocean. So to answer my previous question, YES, it can get much better when you remove yourself from the hamster wheel!

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